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Ink'd Page 12

  Mo stayed by her side, not moving away from her as Chloe crawled over to the photo and plucked it from the shattered glass, hugging it close. The sting of the shards bit into her knees and only made Chloe cry harder as her world came crashing down around her once again. How will we recover from this?

  Chloe didn’t hear the noise that set Mo off, but his snarl and manic barking as he tore through the house smashing through the back door had Chloe reaching for the closest thing she could to defend herself with. When she heard bikes she froze, terror seeping through every one of her pores. This isn’t what I should be doing. Get up. Move. Get somewhere safe. But Chloe’s muscles would not obey the screaming instructions in her head.

  “What. The. Fuck?” someone breathed from behind her. It was then that Chloe’s body reacted, self-preservation kicking in. She stood and spun around at the same time, throwing her whole body’s force into the hits that she levelled at the intruder. Holding the broken piece of photo frame like a baseball bat, she swung again and again, screaming and kicking out where she could. She kept striking out until her exhausted body registered that whoever had spoken behind her had not moved an inch in her attack. For the first time, her eyes focused on what she was hitting. Or whom really. Timmy stood there, bloodied arms protecting his face as he took every one of the blows she dished out at him.

  “Oh, my God, Timmy. Shit, I’m so sorry. I’ve hurt you.”

  “You okay?” He gripped her arms gently and checked her over. “Damn, you’re bleeding. Come outside, let me fix you up.”

  “No, I’m fine. Timmy, please. I’ve hurt you.”

  “Don’t argue with me, pretty girl.” He lifted her into his arms and deposited her gently on the step. “Where’s Mo?”

  “He took off after he heard something.”

  “Fucking dog. That’s not his training.” Timmy stood up and whistled the shrillest, most ear piercing noise Chloe had ever heard before he crouched down next to her again and checked her knees. “This might hurt.” He winced as he pulled out the lone shard of glass embedded in her knee.

  Pulling his cell out of his pocket, Timmy dialed, setting it to speaker as he wiped the blood away from her legs. “Van, its Timmy. I’m at Chloe’s place. There’s been a break-in. Can you get someone over here?”

  “Who’s house?”

  “Chloe Hollyoak. You know, Claire’s youngest sister.”

  “Shit, sorry, man. Of course you mean her. I’ve had my head buried in files all day trying to connect names. Hit a blank for a second. Are the girls okay?”

  “Chloe’s got a cut on her knee. I don’t know about the others.” Turning to her, he asked, “Pretty girl, where are your sisters?”

  “At work. I’m the only one home.” Timmy smiled gently at Chloe and cupped her cheek, running his thumb down the side of her face.

  “They’re good, man. We’ll let them know what’s happened.”

  “Okay, I’ll be there soon. Don’t touch anything.”

  “We won’t. We’ll wait outside for you.”

  It was pandemonium at the house within ten minutes. Sheriff Peterson and Deputy Bakos came with two other deputies. Zane had heard over the radio while he was manning it at the firehouse so he sent over two friends to make sure the girls were safe and to check which doors they’d need to board up. Cleo rushed home, leaving her class in her principal’s capable hands and Claire called to say she was leaving the hospital early. It took Claire a little longer to get there, having to travel from Crystal Springs, but when she arrived, she quickly did the same inventory that Chloe and Cleo had already gone through with Van. By the time everyone had finished up, Chloe was wrung out. Timmy hadn’t let her go the whole time he’d been there, his arm wrapped around her or holding her hand as she’d toured the trashed house. Of all things that had been vandalized, there were two things that had upset Chloe the most: the loss of her inks and paints which had been knocked over so they’d leaked everywhere and the theft of their mother’s wedding and engagement rings. It was the only thing of real value they had left. Her father had insisted it not be sold off when they’d pawned their valuables attempting to pay down their family’s debts. It was pure luck they’d been saved from the explosion. Claire had dropped the rings and a few pieces of her jewelry off at the jewelers to be cleaned only the day before their parents had died. And now it was lost. Just like their parents.

  “I don’t want you staying here tonight, pretty girl. You’re coming to my house. I want you safe.”

  “I want Chloe with us, Timmy. I need the three of us to be together.” Claire stood up to him, not hesitating to step in.

  “The invitation extends to all of you. I have three beds and a fold out sofa. You can each take one. I don’t want any of you staying here.”

  “We’ll stay at Zane’s place. He won’t mind us crashing there while he’s at work tonight,” Cleo interrupted.

  “That’s fine if you want to stay there, but I’m coming. I don’t want you alone. This might have been random, but it might not. If something more is happening than we know, you need protection.”

  “We aren’t staying at Zane’s, Cleo. You’ve said yourself how small it is. We can’t impose on him like that.” Turning to Timmy, Claire asked, “Are you sure you can protect my sisters?”

  “I can and I will.”

  “Claire,” Van said, “I can stop by once my shift is over and make sure it’s still quiet, but I’m only a phone call away if you need me before then.”

  Claire nodded and each of the girls packed overnight bags before Ben and Jamie, the firemen Zane had sent over, nailed boards over the doors.

  Timmy nuzzled Chloe’s temple kissing her softly before handing her into her Jeep. “I’ll follow you over, pretty girl.” Leaning over her to reach the passenger seat, Timmy petted Mo’s head, ruffling his ears affectionately.

  “You don’t want to lead?”

  “No, I want you in my sights the whole time. Park on the street until I give you the go ahead then reverse into the garage.”

  “Okay.” Chloe nodded.

  Timmy checked that the doors were all locked for the final time that night. Claire had gone to bed early, probably to read if the light shining under the door was any indication. Cleo had waited until Chloe said she wanted to go to sleep before she left her alone with Timmy. Not that it mattered, he wasn’t planning anything. He fully intended to sleep alone in his bed while Chloe slept on the sofa. He’d already taken advantage of her in a drama-filled situation and look how that ended up. There was no way he was screwing up again. He might want her like no other woman he’d ever been with, but this time, he’d do it properly. It wouldn’t be on the tail end of another stressful day.

  “Goodnight, pretty girl. You sure you’re okay out here? We can swap if you’d prefer.”

  “No, Timmy, I’m fine. Thank you. For everything.”

  “Anytime.” Walking past the closed bathroom door behind which Cleo was freshening up, Timmy called out. “Night Cleo. Help yourself if you need anything.”

  “Night, Timmy. Thanks.”

  Timmy undressed and stretched out on his king-sized bed, his arms behind his head, the sheet covering him to his hips. His mind was whirling. Why would someone break into the house? Peterson concluded from the way that the place was trashed that it was users looking for cash or valuables to pawn for drug money. But Timmy wasn’t so sure. Chloe’s jewelry had been left untouched in the box she had placed on her side table. Anyone could see it was a jewelry box, but it was untouched. The jar of cash that the girls said was usually on top of the fridge, had just been thrown off and smashed. There had to be a couple of Benjamin’s worth in there but the cash was still there. It was almost like they were looking for something and had trashed the place to hide that. Bakos’ reaction when Peterson had voiced his conclusion was surprise too. But if they are looking for something, what is it? Nothing had been saved from the old house. There were some critical puzzle pieces missing.

lay wide awake for what felt like hours. His mind didn’t drift far past the break-in, but as the late hour progressed, he thought about the girl who he’d met so recently who had turned his world upside down. He’d known he wanted her from the moment he laid eyes on her the night of the explosion. She’d trembled in his arms and clutched to him for protection as she watched the firemen battle the blaze and the few subsequent smaller explosions, as Cleo had a meltdown and was carried over to the waiting paramedics, and looked on as her father’s body was carried away in an ambulance. He’d fallen for her right then. And as he’d gotten to know her better, he’d fallen harder. She was smart and sweet. Everyone at the studio loved having her around in the short time she was there, especially the hard core Ink’d Up clients. He’d done a throat tattoo on what was to become her second to last day of work. She’d held the client’s hand the whole time when she’d noticed he flinched when Timmy used one particular sized needle. The guy was huge; a six-foot-five-inch giant built like a linebacker and as surly an attitude as they come. Yet, he was putty in her hands, bringing her a bunch of flowers the next day and a juice from the diner down the street. She loved the teasing that went with being a clean skin who worked in a tattoo studio and had given back as good as she got. Now that she hadn’t come in for a week or so, it was back to being the same as before she’d started there. Except that it was different too. It wasn’t as bright or some shit. Jesus, I sound like a sap.

  Timmy closed his eyes and pictured Chloe’s sweet body naked against his and his cock thickened, hardening as he remembered the feel of her silken folds hugging his dick tightly as he moved within her. Moving his hand down to stroke himself, he jumped when he felt the weight on the bed shift. “What the fuck?” he hissed, drawing back his fist ready to strike whoever was in his bedroom.

  “Timmy? I’m a little freaked out. Can you hold me for a while?”

  Timmy took a deep breath in and released it slowly. He wasn’t sure whether he needed it to stop himself from pinning Chloe under him and fucking her senseless, or whether it was to recover from the damn near heart attack he’d gotten when he thought there was an intruder in the room with him.

  “Anything, pretty girl. Snuggle up.” Chloe laid down next to him and curled around his body as Timmy wrapped both arms around her. There was no way she could miss the boner he had going on with the tent it was making in the sheet. And even if she didn’t see it now, Chloe had walked in on him jacking himself off.

  “Sorry I interrupted you.”

  “It’s okay. Ignore it.”

  “You’re so hard though. Aren’t you uncomfortable?”

  “It’s more uncomfortable with you reminding me how hard my cock is.” He grinned against her temple before kissing her softly. “I’m always hard around you. I can’t help it.”

  After long moments of silence, Chloe whispered, “Can I help you?”

  “With what?” Timmy rasped, having lost track of their conversation as he concentrated on trying to will his cock to go down. Chloe’s tiny cotton panties and cami left nothing to the imagination. He could feel every curve, every inch of her softness pressed up against him and he wanted her with a need that was as fierce as the instinct to breathe.

  “With this,” Chloe whispered, wrapping her hand around his cock. Jesus. Fuck. Shit. A shudder went through Timmy and his hips pumped into her hand before he could stop himself. Goddamn it. Pulling her hand away from his cock and kissing her palm to ease the sting of rejection, he squeezed her tighter.

  “Not tonight, pretty girl. God knows I want to, but no.”

  “Why not?” she whispered to him, the hurt in her voice obvious.

  “Because I’ll be taking advantage of you. I’m not here to collect.”

  “I came in to you, remember?” she replied, pinching his nipple. Timmy’s cock pulsed with the slight bite of pain and he bit back a groan. “Maybe I need it. Maybe I need you.”

  “I won’t take advantage of you again. The next time we’re together will be different.”


  “It’ll be perfect.” Perfect? What. The. Fuck? Heeelllloooo, man card, where are you?

  “Last time was pretty perfect. Well, except for the obvious, but we can skip over that detail.”

  “No, we can’t, and that’s why I won’t do it again at the end of a day when another disaster has happened in your life. Next time, I’ll take you out on a proper date. We’ll do it the right way; dinner and wine, I’ll take you dancing or to a movie, then we’ll come back here and I’ll make love to you.”

  “First of all, I hate wine. Well, I think I do anyway. I haven’t had any except the odd sneak sip of Momma’s and it was awful. And the rest of it, well it’s kinda boring. I think a better idea would be for me to do this,” she said as she straddled Timmy and threaded her fingers through each of his hands before rocking against his length, moaning as Timmy’s bare cock slipped against the cotton of her panties. Timmy held back a groan of tortured ecstasy as she repeated her movements over and over bringing him too close to the edge far too quickly. He could feel the heat from her center, the wetness seeping through the flimsy barrier that her panties presented. All he wanted was to pull them aside and plunge into her over and over again until they were lying together, sweaty and sated after a few mind-blowing orgasms.

  “Stop, Chloe,” Timmy ordered in his best Dom voice. Well, at least the best Dom voice he could use when his balls were drawing up tight and he was about to blow his load as this sweet temptress showed him how smokin’ hot she was. Chloe froze and Timmy rolled, trapping her underneath him. “You forget that I’m in charge here, pretty girl. I dictate when you come, how you come. Not the other way around. Now tell me the truth. You said you were freaked out. Were you, or did you come in here to tempt me?”

  “A little of both. I was scared out there by myself. Your house makes strange noises and I’m so used to Mo sleeping on my bed now that I feel weird without him next to me. I know he’s on the floor beside me but he won’t hop up. Then, when I saw you in here touching yourself, that burn that I always feel around you kinda exploded.”

  “If I gave you an orgasm, could you go back and sleep on the sofa?”

  “I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep alone at all.”

  “But if I held you tonight you could?”


  “Good enough for me. Hold the headboard and don’t let your sisters hear you. Cleo will have my nuts. Claire’s confusing me because she’s being so nice, but hell, I don’t care right now.” Timmy whipped off Chloe’s panties when she arched her back, reaching to grip the metal bars in the carved timber headboard.

  “Nice bed,” she moaned as Timmy ran his hands up her legs. Damn. Chloe was toned and curvy. She was no stick figure. No, she had curves in all the right places and a little jiggle right where it was the hottest. Timmy pushed up her cami and looked his fill as her nipples puckered and she tried to press her legs together to ease the ache. Timmy knew the feeling. His cock was painfully hard at the sight of her lying exposed and open before him, flushed with want. The moon cast just enough light through the open blinds for Timmy to see Chloe’s eyes were glassy with desire. Her pink lips were parted slightly as she sucked in and puffed out short breaths of air, licking her lips as she did. Desire looked good on her. In fact, desire on her was fucking hot. Timmy thought she was gorgeous. Every inch of her both in and out was perfect, even her flaws. He leaned down and kissed her hard, his tongue forcing its way into her mouth as he cupped her bare breast, brushing his thumb over one nipple as he supported his weight on his other arm. This time, Timmy tasted every inch of her skin, starting from her lips and moving down her throat to her breasts. He licked and kissed her tenderly, amplifying her desire slowly from his gentle touches.

  “Timmy.” Chloe moaned as he cupped her breast and drew her nipple into his mouth. He nibbled at her sensitive tip before soothing the sting with his tongue and lips as he ran his hands up and down her body. He lifted h
er knee and wrapping it around his hips, he drew her closer to him, as he rocked his hips against her core, mimicking making love to her.

  “Beautiful Chlo. God, you’re fucking gorgeous.” He kissed her and worshipped her body in the way he wished he’d done the first time they were together, until he’d made his way down to her pussy. Pushing her knees wide, he kissed the bare skin on her mound and settled his shoulders in between her legs. He nudged her pussy with his nose and breathed deep, inhaling the scent of her essence before he caressed her soft skin with his lips. Running his tongue over her folds he tasted her for the first time, moaning softly. “I’m already addicted, pretty girl. I’m gonna feast on you.” He used his thumbs to hold her open and spearing his tongue, he pushed it into her over and over before sucking her clit into his mouth and pumping his fingers into her. He licked and kissed her folds, lapping up the wetness spilling from her. Chloe’s soft moans and pants when he did something she liked had Timmy’s cock so hard he felt like he was going to blow without anything touching him. “Come for me, pretty girl. I want to feel you come on my face.”

  “Yes. Oh, God. Timmy, I’m so close.” Timmy redoubled his efforts, using his fingers, lips and tongue to push her over the edge. Chloe shuddered in his arms and let out a strangled cry, her pussy contracting hard against his fingers, pulsing over and over again. He moved up the bed taking her mouth in a fierce kiss, capturing the moans and whimpers escaping her as she rode out her orgasm and came down from her high.

  “So fucking sexy, Chlo.”

  “Will you teach me how to suck your cock? I don’t know how,” Chloe panted, squirming as Timmy kept stroking her g-spot with his fingers. Timmy was already on the edge. Watching her in the throes of passion was almost enough to set him off, but hearing her innocent words did him in. His balls, already drawn tight, pulsed and his cock throbbed. The tingle that started at the base of his spine was unstoppable. He let out a strangled groan as he buried his head against her shoulder and came hard, spilling stripe after stripe of cum on her softly rounded tummy.