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Delectable (Gold Coast Nights Book 1) Page 3

  At first, Levi had been jealous of the ease of Connor and Katy’s friendship. Connor had never particularly liked any of the girls he’d dated previously—he’d begrudgingly put up with them, but never made much of an effort. Yet with Katy, it was different. The two of them had clicked and become fast friends. Levi recognized the same thing had happened when Connor befriended him as a kid—it was as if Connor was a sun and Levi had become snared in his orbit, the light from his cheeky personality illuminating Levi’s world. But it was different too—Katy had fallen for Levi, not Connor. Yet their connection was undeniable. It was an easy friendship, one that quickly morphed into the three of them becoming inseparable. It took a bit of adjusting after Connor had left, but his and Katy’s relationship was rock solid. Now that Connor was back, he selfishly hoped they’d pick up where they left off—that he’d have his best mate back. But Levi had to stay focussed in the present, not the distant past or where they were heading. He couldn’t, wouldn’t plan every minute detail of his life. If Katy taught him anything, it was to live life to the fullest.

  Levi pushed the door closed and turned back to follow them into the living room. Connor had already made it halfway down the hall, arm in arm with his girl. Live in the now, dude. He smiled and quickened his step, not wanting to miss out on a thing.

  Hanging back, Levi watched from the edge of the room as Connor looked around, taking in the renovations he and Katy had made to the living space of their little house. Everything had changed inside, but it wasn’t until about a year earlier when they’d finally hung all the pictures on the wall that it became home. Seeing all of his and Katy’s most memorable moments always made him grin. But for every photo of them together, there was another one of Connor—a few with him and his army brothers and sisters, his graduation from basic training, the last pic they’d taken together before he flew out for the first time, and the selfie they’d snapped lazing down on their favourite beach the last time he’d visited. That one—with arms wrapped around each other and bright smiles—held pride of place as the biggest photo in the middle of the wall. Levi remembered the day like it was yesterday.

  “Smile,” Katy ordered as she sat down between them, still topless from her sun bathing. She was half sitting on his lap while leaning into Connor. And damn, the chemistry was flowing hard. Levi’s dick had been half-hard all day and now was no exception. Handing her phone to Connor—who had the longest reach of them all—she playfully squeezed Levi’s package as she innocently smiled at the camera and snuggled into their friend. Levi’s moan was followed by Connor’s rough intake of breath, and Levi’s dick pulsed harder.

  “Done,” Connor murmured, his voice a rasp as he lowered the mobile. Katy looked at the picture and smiled, turning to Connor and brushing her hand over his face.

  “You’ve got sand in your beard, boo.” The adoration in Connor’s eyes as he stared at Katy was obvious, even to Levi. The tender, lingering kiss Connor pressed to her lips had Levi’s heart skipping a beat. Every time he saw a similar moment between the two of them, it always roused the same reaction.

  Startled out of their moment by a bird chirping, Connor jerked back, and Katy smiled sheepishly at Levi. He didn’t hesitate as he pressed his lips to Katy’s, teasing the seam of her lips with his tongue. It wasn’t staking his claim as it was a desire as deep as the oceans and as vast as the universe to connect them together again. She opened to him, and Levi deepened the kiss, making love to her mouth. Finally breaking the kiss, he turned to Connor. It surprised him that Connor hadn’t pulled away until he realized why—Levi held onto his shoulder, stroking his thumb along the smooth skin of Connor’s collarbone. Drawing him closer, Levi hugged them both tight, breathing in the smells of the ocean and summer, his lips ghosting over Connor’s cheek when he couldn’t hold on any longer.

  That was the last time they’d seen Connor. And watching the look on his face, his gaze flipping between him and Katy, his smile soft, it was obvious that he remembered taking the photo too.

  “You kept it,” he voiced to Katy, turning her face toward him with a finger under her chin. Wonder laced his tone. “Feels like yesterday and another lifetime ago all at the same time.”

  “I never would have deleted it,” Katy replied, her arm still tightly wrapped around Connor’s waist. “Now come on, dinner’s ready.”

  Remembering they had guests, Levi startled when Nick spoke. “Con?” Nick laughed and hugged his friend.

  Emma reached out to shake Connor’s hand. The slight tremor Levi saw when Connor reciprocated made a knot twist hard in his gut. Emma’s smile was warm when she introduced herself adding, “So nice to meet you.”

  “You too, Emma. I’m Connor.”

  “Been a long time, Con.” Nick took him into a one-armed hug, worry written in his pulled together brows as he stepped back. “Bud, you okay? You’re shaking.”

  “He had a flashback.” Levi explained as he wrapped his arm around Connor’s shoulder, silently supporting him. With Katy on one side of Connor and him on the other, Levi knew they were bracketing him, the three of them united, showing him they’d always support him. But that’s what they did—stood together strong. It’s what they’d always done. Even if Connor had left them and was facing demons in his own head because of the horrors he’d lived through, Connor had come back to them.

  “Yeah, I have good days and bad ones. The memories kick my ass sometimes, but the counsellor I had before they discharged me helped. He referred me to someone local so I can keep going. I’ve got my first appointment coming up, so….”


  “Boo, you’re exhausted.” Katy smiled down at Con, sitting half asleep on the couch. The pet name had started as a joke when Con had copped a busted up nail by slamming his thumb in the door of a car he’d been tinkering with. When Katy saw the Band-Aid around it, she’d teased him about having a boo boo, and it’d stuck.

  “I’ve set you up in the spare room. Wanna come get settled?”

  “Thanks, Cupcake.” He stood slowly, taking a moment to shake the sleep beginning to take over. “Lead the way.”

  After she’d shown Con to his room, Katy entered the one she shared with Levi and closed the door gently. She leaned back against it, closing her eyes. She could sense her man close to her—he was always so warm, such a rock-solid strength. “He was hurt, Lee. His shoulder is all scarred up.” A sob hitched in her throat, and she leaned into Levi’s embrace.

  “He’s here with us, and he’s safe now. We don’t have to be scared for him anymore.”

  “I missed him, babe. I know it sounds ridiculous, but a part of me was missing when he was gone.” Levi smiled softly at her, and Katy knew she’d just voiced exactly what her boyfriend had thought so many times before. Levi had taken Con’s enlistment hard. He’d grieved for months for his best friend, and it hurt her watching him missing his partner in crime so desperately. They’d been inseparable for such a long part of their lives that suddenly apart, Katy knew he’d felt alone, lonely, even though their relationship was strong.

  All her friends were getting married—it was all they talked about. They’d asked her time and again why Levi hadn’t proposed, why she wasn’t pushing him. It only took one of them to see the wall of photos in their living room to have a go at Levi saying that there were three people in their relationship rather than two. Katy had brushed it off. She was never in competition with Connor for Levi’s affection; it’d never been like that between them. How could she be jealous that a piece of Levi’s heart was missing, gone with the man who was his childhood best friend? In the short time she’d known Con, he’d captured her heart too. She loved him as much as Levi did, and the countless emails they’d shared, secrets they’d revealed, and fears they’d spoken of had strengthened that friendship over the years.

  And now the light in Levi’s eyes was back. The man holding her wasn’t worrying anymore. He wasn’t scared that his best friend could easily die by the enemy’s hand. Levi had come to life again i
n those few hours since Con had arrived, and the joy of seeing it made her heart explode with love for her man.

  She cupped his face, and he pinned her against the door, kissing her deeply. A slow melding of their mouths, while he undressed and worshipped every inch of her body over and over again, had Katy breathing hard, quickly taking her to the knife’s edge of bliss. Sensation ricocheted around her body, stealing her breath. Levi down on his knees, his gaze filled with pent-up desire and need, had Katy catapulting off the edge. She couldn’t keep her eyes open as her orgasm washed over her. Moaning Levi’s name, she floated as her heartbeat thundered in her veins, her breath sawing in and out of her lungs. The endorphins crashed around in her body, reviving her orgasm when Levi lifted and pressed into her in one slow stroke.

  Her second orgasm was a slow burn, consuming her as it went on and on. Levi was right there with her, stilling as he found his own ecstasy. Grunting, he pressed his face against her shoulder, brushing his lips over her collarbone. It made her shiver, and when he did it again, she laughed.

  Carrying her, Levi staggered towards the bed, and they collapsed on it, a tangle of sweaty, satiated limbs. Curled around her, Levi was soon fast asleep, but it didn’t come as easily for Katy. Her body still tingling, she lay awake thinking about the man in their guest room and the scars marring his shoulder and back. He’d never told them he was injured, and it came as a shock seeing the angry red lines when he’d peeled off his snug black T-shirt. Her heart broke knowing neither she nor Levi could have helped him. Had he been in hospital? How long had he suffered in pain? She knew he suffered from PTSD; he’d told them that was the reason he’d been discharged. But seeing the physical signs as well as how shaken up he was after his flashback, had every instinct telling her that their friend, their brave, loyal warrior needed them more than ever.

  Katy jolted awake, her body suddenly on high alert. Blinking her tired eyes and waiting for her sleep-addled brain to catch up to her tense muscles, she heard the noise again. Groans and mumbles. Is it Con? “No, Rob, stay with me. Keep focussed on me. Come on, open your eyes. Stay with me.” His pained sobs were getting louder and more distressed, crying out, “No, no, no, buddy, no.”

  She threw off the covers and shook Levi awake. “Lee, babe, get up. Con’s having a nightmare.” It only took him a moment before he launched out of bed, pulling a pair of boxer briefs from his drawer and tossing Katy his T-shirt that lay discarded on the floor. Dashing into the hallway, they were both still pulling on their clothes as Levi twisted the knob and stumbled into Connor’s room.

  Katy flicked on the lamp and sat down on the bed, running her fingertips down Con’s injured arm. Drenched in sweat, the sheet tangled around his naked hips, Connor tossed and turned.

  “Con, you’re safe. You’re home. Wake up, boo,” Katy crooned, fighting back tears. Seeing him like this destroyed her, ravaged her heart like the bloodied aftermath of a battle. Levi sat down on the other side of the bed, and gently shook him awake. The pain etched on Levi’s features was as deep as Con’s anguish. She couldn’t erase his memories, but she would do everything in her power to help him heal. Katy gently wiped the tears staining his cheeks with her thumbs and Con blinked open his eyes.

  In the lamplight, she saw his pupils blown with pain and fear as Con looked sightlessly around. His muscles were locked tight, and tension radiated from him as he struggled to get up, fighting their gentle touches. Katy understood in that moment how much his fight-or-flight impulse had kept him safe. Even half awake, his body was primed to attack whoever stood in the way of his survival. But she wasn’t scared of him. She didn’t see him as dangerous, or broken. No, this was Con, their Connor. Levi laid a steadying hand on Con’s chest, not holding him down, just connecting them together while she kept touching him, continued speaking softly to him. Letting her gentle caresses bring him fully awake, it took a moment for Con to focus on her. And when he did, Katy’s heart stuttered. His heartache was right there, visible in the slumped set of his shoulders, his watery eyes. His vulnerability—so different from the strength of her soldier—was like a knife to her heart. She didn’t hesitate as she took him into her arms. “It’s okay, boo. It’s over. We’ve got you.”

  “Oh God, I’m sorry,” he breathed, hugging her hard. Levi’s strong arms wound around both of them, protecting them in his embrace as Con’s chest heaved, his heart hammering against Katy’s ribs while he cried on her shoulder. She ran her fingers through Con’s spiky hair doing the only thing she could while his tears fell—she comforted him. Slowly, he settled, but she didn’t stop playing with his hair. Levi’s arms still around them both and her ministrations had Con’s tense muscles slowly relaxing.

  “Lie down, boo. I’ll stay with you until you’re asleep,” Katy whispered to him.

  “We both will, Con. You’re home now, we’re here for you,” Levi rumbled, his voice still sleep roughened.

  “I’m sorry.” Con shook his head. Katy didn’t understand why he kept apologizing. How could he be worried about waking them? “I didn’t want to stick you with my problems, but I was being selfish. I should have stayed away.”

  “We’re here for you, Con. You aren’t alone anymore.” Levi rubbed his hand over Con’s shoulders. The remaining tension melted from the other man’s body, leaving him trembling in Katy’s arms.

  “Do you want to talk about what happened?” she probed gently, kissing his temple. His head against her shoulder, his big body curled around hers, he stiffened when she asked the question.

  “I can’t tonight, Cupcake.” He shook his head and wiped his eyes again. “It’s too raw.”

  Levi rubbed the other man’s arms, soothing him. “Close your eyes, Con. Get some sleep. We’ll stay as long as you want.”

  Con laid down and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. But he looked like a deer in headlights, terrified to close his eyes. She knew she had to be strong for him, but she couldn’t hold back her tears. She was so very grateful he’d come back to them. But he was hurting, and seeing it so raw and unfiltered, ripped her heart open, leaving a great gushing wound there. She wanted to share his pain, to relieve some of his burden. But can I? Katy curled into his warm body, resting her head on his shoulder, petting his chest, giving him what little comfort she could. She was on top of the sheet, Con under. Levi was the same—stretched out on the other side of him above the covers. She caught Levi’s eye and smiled sadly as he kept a hand on Con’s shoulder.



  A sheen of sweat coated his skin, typical for summer nights in the desert. But something was off. Half asleep and dazed, Connor’s head pounded out a beat like he’d partied far too hard at a nightclub. He moaned. Hangovers were a bitch. But he didn’t remember drinking anything. Memories of the previous night’s dinner party flooded back—good food, great company, albeit a bit uncomfortable to begin with because of his episode, and later lots of laughter. The stress, the self-doubt had faded away in the safety of his friends’ home. But that’d been overshadowed by his nightmare. It was so damn vivid. He could practically taste the cordite hanging in the air from the gunfire, smell the copper tinge of blood blooming out over his friend’s throat and pooling on the ground below him. Watching his brother in arms die before him again never got easier. Seeing the light fade from his eyes, the spark of life dying with him clawed his heart out every time he experienced it. Connor wished it was the first time, but the nightmares were persistent bastards. The counsellors said that was normal. Didn’t make him feel any better about it though.

  He sighed. The migraine-like headache he always ended up with after one of those dreams took a while to kick. Lifting his hand from its warm pillow of soft skin, Connor pressed his fingertips against his temple and rubbed. He opened his eyes after a time, squinting against the light. Luscious brown, silky hair glowed softly in the morning light and filled his vision. Katy was sharing his pillow, and this close, he could make out the auburn in the fine strands. Her back pressed
to his front; he’d held her close as they’d slept soundly. But the fact that he was holding Katy didn’t surprise him; he’d been drawn to her the first time they’d met. The surprise was to have Levi’s arms wrapped around his own body. Plastered together from nose to tangled feet, the solid wall of muscle embracing him tight was grounding. He relaxed into Levi’s touch and leaned in a little more, pulling Katy closer. It wasn’t sexual—although his and Levi’s morning wood and his hand on Katy’s bare hip might suggest otherwise—it was comfort, a safe place from the world.

  It was home.

  As much as he should leave, as much as he knew staying to watch his two best friends love each other while he was alone would likely break his heart, he couldn’t. Losing them again would be worse.

  Lips against his shoulder, followed by a sensuous bite on muscle and Levi gripping his hip and grinding, had Connor sucking in a breath. He’d heard Levi and Katy the night before—how couldn’t he? Fucking up against the door in the next bedroom over wasn’t ever going to be quiet, and he’d felt like a total perv listening. But he’d laid there, stunned and torn over what he was feeling. Too tired to get up and put some music on his headphones, but suddenly too awake to fall asleep, Connor had listened to Levi and Katy make love, wishing he shared a connection like theirs. Had begged the universe for that kind of forever with someone. Now, the press of Levi’s cock against him had Connor imagining what it would be like being with him. The shock of it jarred him fully awake, and he lurched forward trying to get up but unable to because of the sheet trapping him in place. His movement jostled Katy.