Delectable (Gold Coast Nights Book 1) Read online

Page 9

  On the fourth ring of Levi’s phone, he gave in, answering it. “G’day, Levi’s phone. Connor speaking.”

  “Hey, Connor, I’m DJ. I work with Levi. Is he there?”

  “He’s, ah… in the bathroom.” Connor winced. He hoped that was the right answer to give DJ, rather than he’s already left.

  “He’s supposed to be coming in this morning to train with the Titans, but the director is having a fit because he’s not here yet. Can you get him to call me urgently? I need to know when he’ll be arriving so I can fend him off.”

  “No worries. I’ll give him the hurry up and get him to call.” Fuck. He disabled the alarm on Katy’s phone while he was in the kitchen, and scratched the two-day old growth on his face, grimacing at the thought of their hangovers. I need a plan. When he remembered Katy’s fix for a headache—Lush—he grinned. She loved the place, would come home with bags full of bath bombs and soaps. He ran the water, dropping in one of her favourite bombs before pouring another couple of mugs of coffee, setting one on the tray straddling the bath and taking the other with him.

  Connor knocked on the door and opened it a crack. All he could hear was deep breathing. He tiptoed into the room and, without looking at them, set the coffee down next to Levi. How the hell do I wake them without looking at them? Man up, Connor. He stole a glance and stopped in his tracks. Both were completely naked, the sheet discarded at the bottom of the bed. Levi lay on his back, his legs spread open while Katy was wrapped around him. Fuck me. Perfect—that was the only way to describe them. Levi didn’t have an ounce of fat on him—which Connor already knew—but he’d underestimated the beauty of the other man’s physique. Levi could have been one of the models in those Greek statues, and the morning wood he sported was nothing short of impressive. Connor licked his lips, wishing he could get his hands, his mouth, on the other man.

  Connor’s gaze moved to Katy, and he took in her curves, the swell of her breast pressed against Levi’s chest, the flare of her hips and the contour of her arse. Right down to her cute purple sparkly-painted toes, she was perfect. He wanted her with a fierceness that hadn’t dampened during the years they’d been apart. Connor knew he was staring, but he couldn’t help it. Hell, he couldn’t do anything else.

  “Gorgeous, isn’t he?” Katy rasped in a sexy morning voice. Connor nodded before he even knew what he was doing. There was no use trying to hide the tenting of his loose track pants from her, so he pushed on.

  “How ya feelin’, Cupcake?”

  “Like shit. My head’s gonna explode.”

  “Your alarm was going off. Something about Australian Bride flashed up.”

  “Fuck.” Katy closed her eyes and groaned.

  “I’ve run a bath, and there’s coffee in the bathroom already.”

  “You’re a lifesaver, thank you.” Holding her head as she sat up, Katy moved to the edge of the bed. He looked away, giving her a little privacy, but his eyes were drawn to the man before him. The little voice in his head—the one chanting “you don’t like dudes”—was getting drowned out by the reality of his body’s almost visceral reaction to both Katy and Levi. Pushing it aside, he shook his head.

  “Lee, mate, you’ve gotta get up. You’ve gotta go to work.” He didn’t budge, didn’t even flinch when Connor called out to him. He reached down to shake him awake, but the other man’s warm skin under his palm, firm muscles relaxed against his touch, had Connor sliding his hand down his chest. Touching him in a way he’d never been able to do before, Connor yearned for the chance to show him—both of them, really—what was in his heart. He ran his fingertips over the sprinkling of chest hair to his abs, feeling the ridges of his six-pack as he moved. He shook Levi and repeated himself, his voice an almost unrecognizable rasp. Lee stirred and moaned, covering his eyes with his arm. Connor watched every muscle in his upper body shift as Levi moved, and Connor’s gut clenched with want.

  “Why do I feel like shit?”

  “Hangover, man, and you need to go to work. DJ called, said something about training with the Titans.”

  “You’re shitting me. That’s today?”

  “Sorry, mate, you’ve gotta get there now.” Connor picked up the mug and held it out to his friend. “Here, I brought coffee.”

  “Ta.” Levi sat up and clutched his head. “I feel like crap. And why’s the room spinning?” He moaned. “I’m gonna puke.”

  “I’ll help you up when you’re ready.” Levi downed half his coffee and swung his legs off the bed, swaying as he did. “You gonna be okay for work?”

  Levi grunted his response and held out his hand for Connor to pull him up. Slinging the other man’s arm over his shoulder, Connor guided him into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Stumbling forward, Levi stuck his head under the water.

  “I think I’m gonna pass out.” Levi swayed in the shower, his skin turning pallid. It had Connor moving, stripping off his track pants and stepping in the cubicle with his friend. He pushed him gently against the tiles to steady Levi and directed the spray onto him, wetting his hair before shampooing it up. The strands were silky under his touch, the shorter parts on the back and sides softer than he’d imagined. Connor kept his movements quick, trying not to let himself enjoy the contact with his best friend too much. He’d gone from jealousy to longing in what seemed like a heartbeat, but in reality, it’d been a long time coming. Connor was man enough to admit to himself that his sexuality wasn’t as straight as he’d once thought it to be. It wasn’t like anything would ever come of it though. As long as he kept reminding himself of that fact, he’d be fine.

  “How’re you doin’ now?” Connor asked, keeping his voice low.

  “Really? You’re standing starkers in a shower with me, washing my hair because I drank too much. I only had like three JD and Cokes. I shouldn’t be that wrecked.”

  “When was the last time you drank anything? I bet you haven’t touched a single drink in years—at least since you’ve been on the show.” Connor shook his head and huffed out a laugh. “No wonder you feel like shit.”

  Levi groaned and held his stomach, flattening his palm against his six-pack.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll get some food in you and you’ll be right.”

  Levi shook his head. “No food.”

  Connor put down the shower gel he’d just picked up. “Bud, you can’t train with a professional footy team without eating anything. Bacon and eggs’ll do ya good.”

  Levi moaned, what little colour he had in his face, draining fast. “Why does it have to be today? God, I don’t wanna go in.”

  Connor smiled. The poor guy was miserable, but it was totally self-inflicted. He didn’t have that much sympathy. “Think you can wash yourself?” Levi nodded, and Connor handed him the gel. Squirting some on his hands, and rubbing it over his belly, Levi paused and leaned back against the glass again, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

  “Breathe through it, mate. You’ll be right.” Connor took the body wash from Levi and ran his hands over Levi’s shoulders, soaping him up. Slicked up muscle glided under his palms. Smooth, warm skin against his own had Connor biting his lip to hold in a moan. Levi had his eyes closed, his head leaning back against the tiled wall. Connor was grateful for it. He was hard, but he didn’t want to be. There was no hiding it or denying it. How would he explain himself if Levi saw? The dude was not only straight but totally in a relationship. And there Connor was, naked in the shower with him, hard as a freaking telegraph pole and washing him. He looked away, unable to meet Levi’s gaze if he opened his eyes.

  He tried desperately to ignore the body of the man in front of him, but his gaze kept snapping back to Levi’s hard planes, warm golden skin, and blond hair. He drank in the sight before him, knowing he’d never again be in that position. Lower still and Connor’s hands stuttered. Levi was hard too, his cock thick, rivulets of water dancing along his skin. Connor sucked in a sharp breath and washed down to Levi’s waist, forcing himself to keep going, or maybe he was m
aking himself stop.

  Levi’s words broke him out of his spell. “I’m okay, mate. Don’t worry. I won’t ask you to wash my junk.” He huffed out a laugh that sounded as uncomfortable as he probably felt standing naked in the shower with his friend.

  Connor cleared his throat and handed him the gel, stepping back and out of the shower. He didn’t know whether to be disappointed or relieved. Either way, he was grateful that both of them were in the same predicament—at least his friend wouldn’t call him a perv if they were both walking around with boners. Connor shook his head as he towelled off. He needed to get laid—being unintentionally celibate sucked donkey dick. He needed to hook up with a nice girl somewhere that he could enjoy the hell out of so that his ridiculous infatuation with his best mate and his girl would disappear. I know it will… I think. Maybe.

  He made a quick exit after that, wrapping the towel around his waist as he left Levi’s bedroom and knocked on the other bathroom door to check on Katy. “Cupcake, how’re you doin’?”

  “I’m hungry and late. Think you can be a prince and make some toast for me?”

  “Yeah, no problems.” He paused. “Hey, what can I make for Lee? He’s pretty green.”

  “Weet-bix, full cream milk and a banana cut up on it. It’ll be the only thing he can keep down.”

  Connor grimaced. How could that possibly cure Levi’s hangover? But Katy knew him best, so he’d do it.

  Katy rushed out, still buttoning up a pristine white chef’s jacket as he placed the Vegemite toast on the bench for her. She didn’t normally wear much make-up, but this time she was done up like she had been for their double date over the weekend. Seeing his surprise, she kissed him on the cheek, squeezed his arse and grinned. “Thanks, boo. This photo shoot’s important. Australian Bride is doing a two-page spread on the shop—photos of my work and everything. I dunno whether they’ll want me in any of them, but figure I’d be better off looking a little prepared.”

  He smiled. “You look gorgeous. You’ll knock ‘em dead.”

  Looking at her watch, she swore under her breath. “I gotta go.”

  “I want details when you get home.” Leaning in, Connor stole another kiss on her soft cheek.

  “Good luck, sugar. Love you,” Levi called from the doorway.

  “You too, babe.” Katy broke away from Connor and moved into Levi’s arms. He turned away, trying not to watch as they kissed goodbye, but was unable to stop himself. Seriously, he was a masochist. Watching Levi pull her into his arms and nuzzle their noses together, his lips lingering against hers was a new kind of torture. Sweet and sensual, it was exactly how Connor wanted to kiss her, kiss both of them.

  The door clicked closed, and Connor realized he was staring at the sizzling bacon in the pan, without actually seeing anything. Shaking himself out of his funk, he flipped it and went back to staring.

  “Dude, you rock. Thanks,” Levi spoke from behind him, his voice muffled by the food he was shovelling in. “Whatcha doin’ today?”

  “Got a few bits and pieces I need to take care of. Nothing much, but I’ll be busy most of the day.”

  “Hey, you were great last night. I don’t think I’ve seen a guy on an acoustic guitar get people dancing before.”

  “You and Katy were the only ones most of the night, and you were slow dancing. Doesn’t exactly count as rocking the crowd, but Tracey must’ve liked it. I got the gig.”

  “That’s awesome.” Levi clapped him on the back, his hand lingering and squeezing his shoulder. He stood much closer than he normally did and Connor’s eyes slid closed, a craving for the other man coursing through him. Levi’s murmured words sent a prickle of awareness through him. “Told you you’re good. Don’t talk yourself out of it.”

  “Thanks, man.” Connor’s voice was husky, raw from all the feels ripping him apart.

  Dropping his hand, Levi stepped back and Connor could breathe again. “Can I ask you a personal question?” When Connor nodded, he continued. “Did your Prince Albert—that’s your piercing, yeah?—did it hurt?”

  “Not as much as you’d think. The other ones were worse—not pain wise, but they took longer to heal.”

  “I’ve thought about nipple rings but, you know—work.” He shrugged.

  Connor turned to face him, his brows knitted in confusion. Levi held himself back so much because of his damn job—tattoos, piercings, bike—anything he wanted to express himself with was a no-go. “Do they have your balls in a vice? Why are they so uppity about what you can and can’t do?”

  “I’ve got a morals clause in my contract. If I so much as think about doing the wrong thing, they’ll fire me. None of the stuff I want is worth my job.”

  He nodded, finally understanding. “That sucks.”

  “A bit, but it’s a trade-off.” Looking at his watch, he groaned. “I’m late. Gotta go.” Grinning at Connor, Levi’s face transformed, and Con’s breath caught. Levi’s radiant smile had his heart stuttering. “See you tonight, honey.” Connor lunged for him as Levi snatched a piece of crispy bacon from the pan and bit down on it. Laughing, Lee winked at him and jogged out the door, Connor grumbling good naturedly under his breath.

  Connor was still wiping his hands on the rag he kept in the back pocket of his coveralls as he walked to the shop for lunch. Sweat beaded on his brow and ran down between his shoulder blades. He’d unbuttoned the coveralls and wore the arms tied around his waist. He hoped no one minded him not wearing a shirt, but it was as hot as the devil’s arse crack walking down the street. He was picking up the orders for everyone—it was the least he could do to say thank you to his father’s old partner when he was using their tools, their time and their space to rebuild Levi’s bike. It still wasn’t even close to being finished, but at least he’d started it. He’d sent the fuel tank away to be primed for painting, and some other parts were still on order, but there was plenty of wiring and reassembly of engine parts that he could do in the meantime. He didn’t notice Miranda until she stepped directly in his path. “Hi, gorgeous. How are you?”

  “Hey, Miranda. I’m good. How’re you?”

  “Great now that I’ve seen you. You have plans tonight? I’m stopping to get a drink before I go home. Maybe you could join me. Or you could come over for a nightcap.” She smiled sweetly at him, but he wasn’t fooled. Connor unsuccessfully tried to bite back his laughter. Underneath the sweet exterior, she had the mind of a vixen. Maybe she was exactly who he needed to spend time with rather than fixating on his impossible-to-get best friends. Seeing his hesitation, she added, “Or we could hang at Levi’s party tomorrow?”

  “That’d work better. I’ve been in the workshop all day so I probably won’t be great company tonight, but tomorrow night’s great.”

  “Fine,” she sighed, rolling her eyes but grinning at him. “Pick me up tomorrow night.”

  “Will do.” Connor smiled but stepped back when she went to kiss him. “I’m all sweaty and greasy. You don’t want to get dirty.”



  K aty sipped her juice and looked out across the dancefloor of the sports bar. They were in a converted warehouse overlooking the river. The deck outside had a spectacular view of the Surfers Paradise skyline to the east. They were in the quieter end of town, but the bar had a great vibe. All distressed timber and deep red bricks with heavy steel beams and walls of glass, the place was modern, yet had the charm of a restored building.

  Leaning against a high table made of heavy railway sleepers, she watched as the DJ spun records on the turntable, old school style, and moved to the beat of the heavy dance music pumping out of the speakers. Their friends were gathered around them laughing and drinking, quite a few dancing too. Katy should have been happy—everyone was enjoying themselves—but her heart was heavy. She’d had fun the night before—probably too much.

  It was late when she’d walked in the door to find Levi and Con, feet propped up on the coffee table, drinking ginger beer and watching a rerun of a champi
onship boxing match. Empty bottles littered the table and she’d raised an eyebrow at them until Lee had cracked open another one and held it up for her, while Con patted the couch between them. Pizza had arrived a few minutes later, and with the boys clearing the table and answering the front door, Katy had flipped the channel to The Big Bang Theory, hid the remote and pulled the table closer so she could put her feet up. There wasn’t even a murmur of dissent when they’d re-joined her on the couch. Instead, the boys had gotten comfortable, handed her a slice, and made a marathon of the old reruns.

  The wait-staff placed Levi’s cake on the biggest table in their sectioned-off area and waved at her. Katy nodded and smiled as she walked over to them. She liked how it turned out—totally different to what she was used to making, but that was half the fun. A football field complete with plastic Maroons and Blues players, painted on sponsors’ logos and a scoreboard reflecting Queensland’s last win in the State of Origin, was a nice change to what she was used to working with. She’d applied the finishing touches the night before, while she was still riding the high from the interview she’d rocked with Australian Bride. Katy smiled as she pressed the sparklers into the cake, ready to light them when Levi eventually made his way back to her.