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Page 14

  “Oh God, oh God.” Chloe panted between Timmy’s kisses as she rode the waves of her orgasm. Timmy watched as she floated in bliss, smiling to himself. He’d done a lot of soul searching this last week. Even though he’d resisted her for such a short period of time, it felt like a millennium. It was almost as if he’d been searching all his life for her, but until he’d found Chloe, he didn’t even know she was missing. He now understood that fate hadn’t intervened to bring them together earlier so she could grow up and become a woman. The age difference between them would cause problems, they would have arguments because they had different views on things, because they’d grown up in different generations, but those problems weren’t limited to them. Every couple had issues. Every couple would inevitably argue. That was no reason to stop trying to make it work. His attraction to Chloe was undeniable. But it wasn’t just about sex; he actually wanted to get to know her, to find out about her favorite things, what she loved to eat, what made her smile and laugh, and to see her relaxed and happy. He wanted to spend time with her, to cuddle and kiss her, to protect her from pain, to keep her safe and loved. Would they make it? Who knew, but again, every couple faced that question. Timmy didn’t want to resist her anymore, he didn’t want to fight with himself anymore. He knew it would be difficult to convince her sisters about their relationship, especially if they knew the full extent of what he wanted to do to her, but did that mean they shouldn’t try? Hell no, it meant they had to try harder. The question was, would she accept all of his demands, especially when he spoke to her about work.

  Timmy was sure of what he felt for Chloe. He was at peace for the first time lying with her in his arms, her curves pressed against him, her smile radiant. His thoughts wandered back over the last week to how dark his mood had been when he wasn’t with her. He’d been a miserable bastard at the studio without her. Nothing had lifted him when he hadn’t known if she’d ever forgive him. Timmy had experienced attraction many times before but it was never like this. He couldn’t get her out of his head. Jussy had buried his head in his work as usual, preferring to keep to himself. Usually, Dakota tried to encourage a little banter between the four of them, but apart from the buzz of the tattoo machines, the music had really been the only noise in the studio the last week. She’d given him a wide berth, knowing not to push him when he was on edge. Even the clients were quiet, and that was fine with Timmy. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts for most of the week, he felt like he was drowning.

  Thank fuck Rake hadn’t been around much, or he’d have been chewing Timmy’s ear off about fixing things with Chloe after his royally bad fuck-up when he took her virginity. As it was, Rake had made it pretty clear to Timmy that he expected Chloe to be back at the studio before next week. That left him today to convince her. But, it wasn’t that simple. Timmy was all for her pursuing her dreams, but how did he explain to Chloe that he didn’t want her back at the studio? Granted, he could keep an eye on her if they worked together, but as long as he had Blade and his goons coming in and out like they owned the joint, she was at risk. Something more to think about when he wasn’t lying in the arms of a beautiful woman.

  “Hey, where did you go just then?” Chloe smiled up at him.

  “Sorry, pretty girl, I got lost in my thoughts for a minute.”

  “Come back then. You have some training to do.”

  “Hell yeah.” Timmy grinned. “Sit up against this.” He propped a couple of pillows up against the headboard and patted them, waiting for Chloe to get into position. Timmy was beyond caring that Chloe’s sisters were in the adjoining rooms, but he didn’t exactly want to flaunt to them that they were having sex. Then again, it would be obvious once they realized Chloe didn’t sleep on the sofa.

  * * * *

  Chloe sat up and leaned against the pillows. It wasn’t comfortable. She couldn’t rest her head back, she was too far forward, but she supposed Timmy knew what he was doing. She almost purred when he ran the backs of his fingers down her cheek and neck lingering over the bite mark before brushing her hair behind her shoulder. He straddled her hips, resting his weight lightly on her legs and kissed her again gently. Chloe’s eyes flew open and she sucked in a breath as he guided her hand to his straining cock. Holy shit. The man is hung. Does this thing really fit in me? She stroked him gently from root to tip, hoping she was doing it right. Chloe had never done this before. How hard should I grip him?

  “Tighter, Chloe. A little pain turns me on.” Chloe followed his instructions and he groaned. Thinking she’d hurt him, she froze, loosening her hold. Timmy’s hand covered hers and he almost crushed her hand around his steely length. “Hard, pretty girl. I like it rough.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” she whispered between his kisses.

  “Let me worry about that,” he murmured back before claiming her mouth again in a ferocious kiss. Chloe couldn’t keep her hands still. She hadn’t been able to touch him in their encounters so far, so she took full advantage of it. One hand explored his collarbone down to his pecs. She pinched one of his nipples, scraping her fingernails over it before kneading the hard muscles under her fingertips, her other hand continuing to stroke him. He moaned as she bit down on his lip, staking her claim and Timmy fucked into her hand harder.

  “I want to taste you. Please, Timmy. Use my mouth. Teach me how to suck you.”

  “I love your sweet, dirty mouth, pretty girl.” Timmy planted a hard kiss on her lips before rising up onto his knees, his cock bobbing close to Chloe’s mouth. “Lick me, Chloe. Suck my nuts. Take my cock into your mouth as deep as you can. Suck me good. Can you do that for me, pretty girl?” When Chloe nodded, the smile on Timmy’s face lit up the room, taking ten years off his usually stoic features. God, he was gorgeous. He was everything she’d ever imagined he’d be, except better. He was…wow. Just wow.

  Chloe leaned down and licked the drop of pre-cum that had beaded on the tip of his cock. Her tongue touching him caused Timmy to hiss and a shudder travelled through his body, another bead of pre-cum leaking out. She followed Timmy’s directions and licked up and down his length, tracing the vein that ran down his cock. She could still taste the soap on his skin from Timmy’s shower the previous night. The salty taste of his pre-cum had her pussy throbbing, wetness seeping from her core. Chloe didn’t understand why, but she went with it, not wanting to dwell on her thoughts instead of being in the moment.

  Her hands found his ass and she squeezed the hard globes, digging her short fingernails in. Timmy sucked in a breath as Chloe’s lips touched his sac. The skin there was soft, the few hairs that grew were coarse against her mouth. Remembering the way his breath felt on her clit, Chloe blew gently on him and watched as his nuts draw closer to his body. Tentatively, she touched her tongue against his skin again as Timmy’s hands found her head, his fingers spearing through the blonde strands. She could imagine what his darker tattooed skin looked like, peeking through her light hair and it spurred her on to match that same contrast at his groin. Burying her face against him, Chloe took one of his nuts into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the sensitive organ. He tasted musky, manly. Loving his natural scent, Chloe dived in again, tonguing his other testicle. She recognized the smell of their combined essences, a mingling of Timmy and herself. Licking up his length again, Chloe moaned as she tasted another drop of his pre-cum. When she flattened her tongue against his cockhead, Timmy’s breath hitched in his throat, coming out in a strangled moan as she closed her lips around him.

  Timmy was as still as a statue, apart from his hands – they were running through her hair. Chloe guessed he was doing it so he wouldn’t hold her head in place as he fucked into her mouth. She appreciated him letting her explore, but she didn’t want him to treat her with kid gloves. She could handle anything he dished out. Or at least she’d try.

  Chloe bobbed her head lower and lower around his cock, taking him deeper into her mouth each time. She loved his reactions, the hitch of his breath, the stuttering of his hands as she
touched a particularly sensitive spot. Timmy’s curse had her pausing until he moaned, his breath ragged. “God, Chloe, your mouth is heaven, baby. You’re gonna make me blow so fuckin’ hard. Please, don’t stop. Please.” She felt a surge of feminine power knowing how much she affected him. She touched his balls with her fingertips, her other hand gripping his shaft as she stroked him and he moaned again, his cock pulsing in her mouth. “Pretty girl, I’m there. I’m gonna blow. Fuck. Fuck.” He panted. She redoubled her efforts, doing exactly the same thing he’d done to her each time they’d been together. She sucked harder, gripped him tighter and tugged harder on the skin of his sac, twisting it to give him that burn of pain he said he liked. Timmy roared and pulled away from her, spraying her chest with his first stream of cum.

  “No,” she said forcefully, pulling him close again and latching onto his cock with her mouth. She sucked hard and was rewarded with the final few pulses of his cock and the remaining jets of his cum. Finally, she could taste him in earnest. It was warm, like she’d expected but the saltiness and tang took her by surprise. She understood why some girls hated giving head, but not her. She knew Timmy had taken it easy on her. He hadn’t pushed her, he’d let her suck him in the way she’d wanted to for her first time. She felt empowered, excited that she’d been able to bring him to climax as quickly as he had done for her.

  Chloe had heard stories from Cleo and her friends about the bad sex they’d had, but she couldn’t imagine bad sex with Timmy. Was it all him? Or was it the connection they shared? Whatever it was, it was powerful. Sex with him was phenomenal. Even now when she hadn’t come, satisfaction hummed through her, fulfillment that she’d made him happy and had served him. How fucked up was that? Served him. Geez, her sisters would send her off to get her head read if they heard her say something like that. What did that say about her?

  Timmy shook in her arms as he lowered his weight back onto his haunches and wrapped his arms around her. They sat like that until Timmy’s breathing and heart rate was were back to normal. When she looked into his eyes, Chloe saw something there, a vulnerability that made her reach out and cup his cheeks in her hands before kissing him gently.

  “You completely undo me,” he whispered. “That was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before.”

  “Good or bad?”

  “Amazing, pretty girl. Absolutely amazing. How do you feel? I didn’t want to come in your mouth. I was worried I’d choke you.”

  “Kind of confused to be honest.”

  “About what? Talk to me.”

  “I didn’t get off but it feels almost like I don’t need to because you did. I feel like I served you well. What the hell does that mean? I thought I was a feminist. Serving you? I mean, seriously. What century is this for me to be saying that?”

  “What does feminism mean to you?”

  “Equal rights, equal pay and equal opportunities. The end to social subservience, an end to the expectation that simply because I’m a woman I will get a menial job rather than a career, get married, have children, give up work to care for them and be totally reliant upon my husband to make every decision that affects my family. I don’t think so. I should have a real choice. I should be independent.”

  Grinning, Timmy said, “How does your submission to me and my tying you up and fucking you stupid contradict feminism?”

  “Are you serious?” Chloe asked incredulously, giggling when she saw that Timmy was playing around with her.

  “Chloe, you have the ultimate power in the bedroom. I may be the one controlling the whip or tying you up, but you tell me what you need through your words, actions and reactions. I may push you, but how would you know your limits if I didn’t? We’d still be Neanderthals if humanity hadn’t mastered fire and the wheel, if we hadn’t ventured past our cave.”

  “Some of us still are Neanderthals,” she smiled.

  “Touché.” Timmy laughed. “You can always use your safe word and I’ll always respect it. The only reason we use a safe word instead of ‘no’ or ‘stop’ is that what we might be doing is intense. You might say ‘no’ or ‘stop’ but not really mean it. By using a different word, I know that you’re past your comfort zone and I should end the scene. It becomes a conscious decision you’ve made rather than a knee-jerk reaction.”

  “But doesn’t saying I can’t say ‘no’ or ‘stop’, because I might not mean it, epitomize that patriarchal attitude of male sexual entitlement to have sex in the manner you want, at any time you want?”

  “Except that’s not what I’m saying at all. I’ve just given a different label to ‘no’ or ‘stop.’ You can stop me at any time, Chloe. I promise you, I’ll end whatever’s happening. I’ll never force you to do a single thing that you aren’t willing to do. I’ll never disrespect you or try to tell you your opinion doesn’t hold as much weight as mine. You would be my partner, Chloe, equal in every way.”

  Timmy’s words warmed her heart. Whatever the safe words were that she and Timmy agreed on were semantics. Ultimately, it didn’t make a difference whether she had to say ‘stop,’ ‘red’ or, hell, some random word, as long as she could trust Timmy to look after her.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, leaning her forehead against his. “I can’t guarantee I’ll be any good at this, but I’ll try. For you, I’ll try.”

  “And if you’re worried or not happy, or don’t feel fulfilled in every way, you only need to let me know. If you don’t want to tell me face to face, tell one of your sisters or Rake, write me a note, whatever. All I ask is that you give me the chance to fix things.”

  Chloe looked into Timmy’s eyes, and saw concern there. He was laying his heart on the line and the shattered pieces of Chloe’s knitted together again a little more. “You’re worried about our age difference, aren’t you?”

  “I am, a little. I know a few people who have a ten year age gap between them, but fourteen is a big number, Chloe. I feel like I’ve already lived so much more than you. It worries me that you’ll get sick of the old man holding you back and you’ll walk away. You have such limited sexual experience and yet, here I am asking you to commit to me exclusively.” Stress melted from Chloe’s bones upon hearing Timmy’s words. It didn’t even occur to her that she’d needed his reassurance until he gave it to her, but it felt damn good to have. Whatever happened between them, she could trust him to be there for her.

  They fell into a comfortable silence, Timmy’s hands splayed on her hips, Chloe’s running up and down his arms and back. After a time, Chloe asked, “Why did you come to see me yesterday?”

  “My flowers, notes and messages didn’t work to persuade you to give me another chance, so I needed to do it face to face. I was an idiot, Chlo. I understand that now. I was hoping I could talk you into giving me another chance. I pushed you away because of our age gap; I felt like a dirty old man. I kinda still do, but I can’t resist you. I don’t want to. My head was telling me that I was wrong for you, but every other part of me was telling me to go to you.”

  “So your cock?”

  “Yes, but other parts of me too.”

  “Like what?” she murmured, her lips against his throat, her fingers trailing down over his chest and abs. Timmy kissed her temple gently, lingering close to her.

  “My lips.” Breathing deeply in her hair, he licked the shell of her ear and slowly let out the breath he held, blowing softly on her skin. “My tongue.” Running his fingertips across her shoulders to her throat, he cupped her possessively. “My hands, my arms.” Finally, kissing her gently on her throat, he whispered. “My heart.”

  “You could seduce anything with that voice.”

  “I just want you.”

  “Then take me.”

  * * * *

  Chloe tugged off the dark grey towel wrapped low on Timmy’s hips and slapped his rock solid buns as he walked past her. His bathroom was cozy with the two of them showering and getting ready for the day. Claire had knocked on the door ten minutes earlier telling them that she was st
arting breakfast and wanted a family meeting, so they’d reluctantly got up. Chloe was still naked, straightening her hair with one hand and holding a mirror to check on her progress with the other.

  “I could get used to this view, pretty girl. You look fuckin’ sexy naked in my bathroom.”

  Chloe looked down at Timmy’s semi which was quickly turning into another boner and she bit her lip. “Yeah, I like the view too.”

  “But we do need to get dressed and make an appearance. I promise, I’ll make you come again at least once before tonight. If you’re a good girl, I might even let you suck my cock again.”

  “Mmmm, you’re going to turn me into a nympho.”

  “As long as it’s only me you want, I’ll make sure I’m always up for the challenge.” He grinned.

  “Oh, God, your jokes suck.” Chloe shook her head, laughing.

  “You aren’t too bad yourself. You had me unloading pretty damn quick earlier.”

  “Can I red light the bad jokes?” She grinned at him.

  “You can. But only if you do this for me first.” Timmy wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her deeply, squeezing her before he let her go and sauntered out of the room, his erection bobbing with each step. Chloe watched his reflection in the mirror as he pulled on an old t-shirt and a pair of jeans, going commando once again, before winking at her and slipping out of the door.

  Once he was gone, Chloe looked at herself in the mirror. She was the same person as yesterday, except now she had a second bite mark she needed to cover up and a huge secret she had to keep from her sisters. At least temporarily. They’d both have Timmy’s nuts if she told them about what he wanted to do to her, and Chloe liked his nuts right where they were.

  She shivered, remembering the feel of him inside her as he’d made love to her this morning.

  “Lie down,” he’d ordered, shifting off her as she slid down the bed. He tossed the pillows off the side and covered her body with his. He kissed her, her mouth opening to his forceful kisses. His hands then his lips teased every part of her, tossing her over the edge of an intense orgasm before he slid his condom-encased cock into her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and held onto his shoulders as he braced himself on hers. He rocked in her, tapping her clit with every stroke until she couldn’t hold out anymore. She came hard, her cries of completion captured by his kisses as he unleashed, slamming into her until he let go too. He’d lain on top of her holding her close until they’d caught their breaths, easing out only after his cock had softened and he was close to losing the condom.