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Page 15
He’d hopped up off the bed, covering Chloe with the comforter before disposing of the condom and holding her tight until they’d heard voices in the hallway.
She sighed contentedly and finished her hair as quickly as possible before throwing on a pair of khaki shorts, a black t-shirt and her Docs. Today was going to be a long day cleaning up after the break-in. Chloe shuddered. She hated cleaning. Tidying up the mess at her sister’s house was not going to be fun.
“Here she is,” Timmy said warmly as she walked into the kitchen. He handed her a cup of coffee and wrapped an arm around Chloe when she leaned against him. The shift between the two of them was from more than their talks last night and again today; it was the sex too. Timmy worshiped her with his touch, making love to her in the way that he’d wanted to when he realized their first time together was also her first time ever. She knew he wouldn’t take it easy on her next time. She hoped he wouldn’t and anticipation for what he might do to her bubbled in her veins. She was already hooked on the rush she got from letting go so completely when they were together. He’d been gentle with her, letting her explore him at her own pace and treating her to slow, but intense loving. She’d loved every minute, but didn’t want him to keep holding back on her. She needed to know that he was getting what he needed from their relationship too.
“Changed your mind quick enough,” Cleo said coldly from the door.
“Can someone please get Miss Grumpy Pants here some coffee,” Zane muttered as he stumbled out of the bedroom after Cleo. Dressed in last night’s jeans, it was obvious he’d stayed the night and yet, the tension between the two of them was palpable. What the heck is going on between them?
Chloe hadn’t heard Zane arrive during the night but Timmy didn’t look surprised to see him. Maybe he had come in after she’d fallen asleep.
“Here you go,” Van said from the kitchen, surprising her. Chloe hadn’t even seen him there and she jumped when he spoke. The cop stayed the night too? What the heck? I thought Claire was hot on Van’s partner? Timmy’s arm tightened around her and he kissed the top of her head as she cuddled back into him.
“Was he here when I walked in?” Chloe whispered.
“Nah, pretty girl. He came in from outside.”
“Sorry, Chloe, did I give you a fright?”
“A little, Deputy.”
“Call me Van, especially when I’m not working. I came over last night to make sure you were all okay. Claire let me sleep on the couch. Apparently, it had freed up.”
“Ah, yeah,” Chloe said. Heat washed over her and she could tell she was blushing furiously. It was a good thing her stare was rooted firmly to the floor, Chloe was mortified at having been called out on what she’d done. If there was any doubt before that I stayed the night in Timmy’s room, there isn’t now. Turning to Timmy, she asked, “Am I the only one who slept through two people coming into the house?”
“You were pretty exhausted last night,” Timmy grinned. Even Chloe’s death stare didn’t dim his smile. Continuing, Timmy said, “I heard Zane get here but not Van. Mo didn’t make a sound so I slept straight through it.” Timmy nuzzled into her, kissing her again.
* * * *
Chloe sat on her stripped bed when she’d nearly finished cleaning up her room. The kitchen and den had been done first. Chloe had moved onto her bedroom when Timmy had left to do a shift at the studio. He, Zane and Van had helped out all day. Chloe couldn’t help but wonder where Sheriff Peterson was. He’d promised Claire he’d come and help out, but so far he was AWOL. That guy was up and down. Colin made it pretty clear he wanted her sister when he’d arrived at the house yesterday afternoon after the break-in. He’d been as possessive of Claire as Timmy was of herself. Colin hadn’t taken his hand off the small of Claire’s back, even when she tried to shrug him off so she could go through one of the cupboards. And yet, he didn’t show last night, and when he was needed today, he was nowhere to be seen.
Claire seemed completely clueless, thinking that he walked on water. Even though Chloe felt like he was letting her sister down, she was glad he wasn’t there. Colin gave her the creeps and she didn’t like it when any one of the three of them was alone with him. Chloe tended to do the annoying little sister thing that she did when she was twelve and stick around so that there was always at least two of them with him. He clearly wasn’t impressed, not that Chloe cared. She was fine with Colin disliking her; the feeling was pretty mutual, so it was a good thing he wasn’t there.
Chloe also needed some time to herself to think about all the things that had happened overnight with Timmy and get her thoughts straightened out. She’d spent all week simultaneously fighting him off and suffering because she didn’t have him. Now everything seemed to be falling into place. It was overwhelming as well as amazing. But that wasn’t the only thing Chloe needed to process. Blade, his threats, the break-in, her future. What was going to happen? Uncertainty and the still-fresh loss of her parents clouded her hope for a happy future, but Chloe was starting to see the light. Shafts of sunlight were starting to break through the storm clouds. She was starting to see that Timmy was her light.
* * * *
“Well? You manage to talk Chloe into coming back?” Rake asked Timmy as soon as he strode into the studio to start his afternoon shift. Timmy had spent most of the morning helping the girls try to return their house into some semblance of order, but he had an appointment an hour or so later that he had to be here for, and he had a bit of prep work to do before his client came in.
“Hi, Timmy, how are you? I’m good, Rake. Thanks for asking. Thanks for covering my ass this week while I’ve been off God knows where. Is Chloe okay? She and her sisters are shaken up after their house got broken into and trashed, so in answer to your question partner, I haven’t asked,” Timmy replied. Under his breath, he added, “And she’s not coming back if I can help it.”
“Say what? Their house was broken into?”
“Yeah, place was trashed but there wasn’t much stolen.”
“Any leads?”
“Peterson thinks it was addicts, but I’m not convinced and I don’t think Bakos, the other cop, is either.”
“Seems like a bit too much of a coincidence to be random, doesn’t it. Those girls are in deeper than I think anyone realizes.”
“You don’t seriously think that they’re involved in this, do you? Claire’s so uppity and Cleo’s a bit of a risk taker, but she’s not exactly a criminal and Chloe’s too… No way. I don’t buy it for a second.”
“No one suspected their parents either.”
Timmy’s eyes flashed as he clenched his fists and tried to get his anger toward his business partner under control. “Don’t Rake,” Timmy gritted out. Rake’s grin took Timmy aback.
“You’ve got it bad. Finally. And I’m glad it’s her. She’s a beautiful person, but I think she and her sisters are in trouble even if they don’t know it. Have you checked what Blade’s up to lately?”
“He’s up to his usual shit. The son of a bitch was shakin’ down a few people this week, doing debt collection work by the looks of it. Who the fuck would get him to do that for them? It’s beyond me, but he seems to make a half-legit living out of it, when he’s not beating the crap outta someone.”
“Are the girls safe now?”
“Zane and Mo are with them. Bakos left for work at the same time I did but they know not to go out alone. They’re supposed to be spending the night at my place again.”
“Ho, ho.” Rake laughed. “Movin’ quickly there, buddy.”
“Shut up.”
“Ah, love that guilty look on your face. I’m glad you’re happy, man. I was barely here this week and the times I did see you, you were a bitch to work with. We’re gonna owe Dakota a raise for putting up with your shit. Hopefully, you’re not such a pain in the ass to work with this week now that things seem to be back on track.”
“Where have you been?”
“I, ah… met someone. He’s a good guy. I
went to see him, spend some time with him. You know, get to know him better.”
“Is he into the lifestyle?”
“He’s played before, but nothing serious. He’s into it though.”
“Nice. What’s his name?”
“He needs to talk to someone first. Until then, neither of us are saying anything.”
“A bit Conspiracy Theory, but fair enough.” Timmy grinned.
“Nah, we don’t want our friend to get hurt. She doesn’t know I’m gay and my guy wants to handle it gently.”
“You worried about her reaction to you being gay?”
“Nah, not at all. She’s not like that.”
“Good. I’m happy for you, Rake. It’s been a long time since either of us were in a good spot. Hopefully, we don’t fuck shit up.”
“Shit, almost forgot. This was waiting for you when I got here. Apparently, it arrived earlier this morning.”
Timmy took the envelope from Rake’s outstretched hand and tore it open. There was a photograph of two rings and a note. Timmy’s blood ran cold when he read it. House was trashed. Next time it’ll be your girl. This’ll keep us happy until she gives it back.
Timmy showed the note to Rake and dialed Bakos, explaining to him what happened. “I fucking knew it wasn’t a random break-in. Peterson’s theory was total horse shit. He barely even checked for prints, only the back door I think. Now we know it was targeted and we’ve got nothing linking whoever it was to the robbery. Sit tight, I’m coming to pick it up myself.”
“Thanks, Van. Appreciate it.” Hanging up his cell, Timmy swore under his breath and shook his head. “There’s no fucking way she’s coming back here.”
“Buddy, I know you don’t wanna hear this right now, but you can’t hide her away from the world. Trying to keep Chloe away from here is gonna backfire in your face. I know she quit but it wasn’t because she doesn’t want to ink people. She wants to be an artist. She’ll find out soon enough that I want her back here and she won’t take kindly to you saying she’s not coming back. She’ll probably tell you you’re being overprotective and too controlling.”
“Probably. But she’ll be safe.”
“At home alone, instead of in here with you? What if she was home when those guys came in? Isn’t it better that she’s here with you?”
“If she’s at home, she won’t be on display to those bastards.”
“You can’t keep her stuck at home all day, every day. Locking her away is only going to make her resent you. And you’re relying too much on your dog to protect your girl. You’ve got things the wrong way around.”
“So what do I do? I can’t risk her.”
“Keep her by your side, protect her when she’s with you. Let Mo do it when you can’t. If you can do that, maybe you’ll be able to keep Blade and whoever else is after her away. We just need to think on what the best way to do it is.”
“Kill him.”
“As much as he deserves it, no. That’s not an option I’m willing to entertain. Yet.”
“Then maybe I can set up a studio at home. She can paint or draw there. Maybe we can sell her art here.”
“That’s not what she wants, Timmy, and you know it. Think carefully about what you’re doing.”
“I don’t know what I’m doing, Rake. I’m fucking scared. I know what I feel for her, but everything else in my head is a screwed-up mess. I feel like I need to protect her from the world.”
“You love her, Timmy. That’s what love feels like. You’re shit scared you’ll fuck up and you’ll lose her and you can’t get enough of her at the same time. You’ll work it out, just don’t do anything that’ll push her away.” Rake clasped Timmy’s shoulder and squeezed.
Half of Chloe’s room was done, but there was still stuff out of place everywhere. The rack all her clothes had been hung on was mangled, so the best she could do was fold and stack them on the storage baskets that contained all her underwear. Tristan had saved her from doing the rest when he called to gossip. Grateful for the interruption, Chloe kicked aside the rest of her unfolded clothes and sprawled out on her bed.
“You what?” Chloe asked, snapping upright in shock.
“You heard me. I like your boss. He and I…”
“Rake? You’re talking about Rake?”
“Yes, Chloe. Who else would I be talking about? What’s the problem?”
“Absolutely nothing.” She smiled. “I had no idea he was gay. I’m so happy for you, Tristan. He’s a good guy. He’ll be good for you.”
“He is. Kinky too. I love it.”
“La, la, la, la, la. I don’t want to hear about my boss’s bedtime habits. Well, my old boss anyway,” Chloe added a little sadly, laying back down and throwing her arm across her eyes.
“He wants you there. Go and ask him for your job back. He’ll pretend you never resigned.”
“You two spoke about me? When you could have been getting it on?”
“Only for a little bit. Neither of us wanted to upset you. You’ve been through so much already. We didn’t want to make you feel like you were losing out again.”
“How would I be losing out again?”
“Rake thought you might feel like you’d lost me if he started monopolizing my time. I thought you’d be more likely to complain because you couldn’t bitch about him if we’re sleeping together.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. I’m still gonna bitch to both of you.” Chloe laughed. “I’m so happy for you. Both of you. Oooh, we can double date,” Chloe sing-songed playfully.
“Ah, no. Let’s not.” Tristan chuckled. “What are we – fifteen?”
“Listen, I need to go. Call me soon?” They said their goodbyes and Chloe pulled on a change of clothes. She’d had enough of tidying up and was hungry. Her lips curved up at the thought that she could take dinner into Timmy. Like her, he’d hardly eaten that morning, so unless he’d taken a break between clients, he was probably starving too. Chloe was catering tonight. And she was going to get her job back.
She picked up burgers from the diner nearby the studio and walked over there with Mo following closely. Excitement, anticipation and a little nervous energy roiled around inside her. She desperately wanted her job back. She knew she could be a great tattooist if she got the right training. Rake and Timmy were those people for her. Now that she’d sorted out her relationship with Timmy, she knew she could work there again. Timmy wasn’t going anywhere and neither was she. They could be together and work together too. It’d be perfect.
Timmy was wiping down his station ready for his next customer when Chloe walked in, following Dakota’s gesture to go on through. As she walked toward him, she admired his strong biceps, stretching and flexing. Apparently, he had thirty minutes before his client was due to arrive. He’d have enough time to eat if he already had the stencil organized, and if he didn’t, Chloe would help him out. She wanted him to have a break. “Hey,” she said as she stopped before him and Timmy turned to her.
“Hi, pretty girl. What are you doing here?”
“Dinner.” She held up the takeaway bag of burgers and fries and handed him a bottle of soda. “Do you have time to eat?”
“Sure, let’s go.” Timmy took the bags out of her hands and tugged her against him. As Chloe melted against the warmth of his skin, she kissed his chest through his tee, nuzzling him. Timmy hugged her even closer, dropping kisses on her temple.
“Get a room you two.” Rake laughed as he walked past them.
“Hi, Rake. I didn’t realize you were here. You hungry? You can have my dinner if you like. I can go and grab another burger.”
“No thanks, sweetheart. I had a sandwich.”
“Was it Tristan’s three-meat special? If you haven’t had it, get him to put one together for you. To. Die. For.”
“You and Tristan?” Timmy asked.
“Yeah.” Rake nodded, looking at Chloe.
“I’m excited for you, Rake. T is one of the best men I know. You’ll make each other happy. Sucks
that you’re so far away from each other though. The commute is awful.”
“Details.” Rake shrugged. “I’m glad you’re not pissed about it. Your boss and your best friend could get awkward.”
“No more than your apprentice and your partner could get on your nerves. That’s if you’ll have me back?”
“Absolutely.” Rake smiled. “I already ripped up your resignation letter. You can start again tomorrow, same shifts as Timmy.”
“Rake,” Timmy growled.
Chloe looked up at him surprised. The look on his face was thunderous. “Timmy, what’s wrong? I thought you’d be happy if I was back here. You told me…” she trailed off as it occurred to her that he hadn’t said he wanted her back at work.
“Let’s not do this now, Chloe. We need to talk about things.”
“What do we need to talk about?”
“I got a note here earlier today threatening you. It was connected to the break-in at your place. I don’t want you coming back here to work. You need to be away from prying eyes. You can move into my place; it’s secure. Mo will protect you.”
“I need to what? I don’t fucking think so, Timmy.” Chloe pushed away from him and crossed her arms over her chest. Her voice was a lot louder than she intended, but she was so freaking angry that she couldn’t help it.
“You’ll do as I say, Chloe.”
“Like hell I will. We spoke about this earlier today. You promised me we’d be equal, that my voice would count. This is my life, Timmy. Not yours. If you can’t understand that, we have no future together.”